Mabuhay Communications Group By Laws
The registered name of the group shall be Mabuhay Communication Group (Mabcom)
The group official logo shall have inscribed thereon the name Mabuhay Communication Group
This organization will be known as the Mabuhay Communication Group (Mabcom) and will be incorporated as Mabuhay Communication Group, Inc. This incorporation will herein refer to as the Amateur Radio Group.
The purposes of the group are to bring together Licensed Amateur Radio Operator, who enjoys similar enthusiast and fashion for HAM with the intentions of promoting good will. The group will promote fellowship among Hams and improve relations between the Clubs Mabcom Canada, other Mabcom Subsidiaries outside Canada and all licensed HAMs.
Mission Statement
To bridge Camaraderie and Unity among all members of Mabcom, and International Hams, help maintain an organized, dedicated and disciplined group.
Vision Statement
To be a respected and recognized club globally in the field of Amateur Radio.
12 Points Values
Open Minded
The officers of the group shall be as follows:
The Founding Members will always retain a seat in office. They can’t be expelled for any reason as they are the foundation of the club. ( Va6md, Ve6phl, Ve6ra, Ve6rgi, Dv1otc, 4h1dts, 4i1pyy, 4h1dhj )
Officers must be a member in good standing. Officers will be appointed by the founding members.
2.1 The term of office for FOUNDING OFFICERS HAS NO LIMIT.
2.1.1 The term for the appointed officers by the Founding Officers will depend on the discretion of the majority of the members or officers of the Founding Members.
2.1.1 List of Club Officers President Treasurer Secretary Auditor Admin
2.1.2 Other Officers Board of Directors Advisers
2.2 Officers are appointed for seat from members of founding officers of the club.
2.3 The founding officers has no limit in their term of office.
2.4 The appointed officers by the founding members can be extend or be removed depending on the discretion of the majority of the founding members.
A. Presidential Duties
1. To preside at all meetings of the club.
2. To have general supervision of the affairs of the club.
3. Shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Officers are carried into effect.
4. To appoint any temporary person for vacant positions or committee members upon recommendations of the BOD.
5. To personally represent the club on proper occasions and with business contacts with any Ham Event.
6. To assist all other officers of the clubs in their records, correspondence, and other duties.
7. To promote interest on the part of each member of the club and its activities.
B. Adviser Duties
1. To provide assistance to the President on counsel and advice pertaining to the welfare of the club.
C. Secretarial Duties
1. To record (or to arrange to be recorded) and maintain records of all meetings in a book or books kept for that purpose.
2. To filter and distribute the minutes of all relevant discussions in the official group chat or forum for the purpose of other member knowledge to maintain such transparency and unity among Hams.
3. To handle all correspondence for the club.
4. To send out notices of regular or special meetings or events.
6. To maintain all membership files and records.
D. Treasurer Duties
1. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the club and shall be subject to the direction of the President and Board.
2. To establish and/or maintain a bank account in the name of the group.
3. To maintain the financial records of the group such us the club’s fund and expenditures.
4. To maintain these funds in said bank account.
5. To maintain all membership financial files and records.
6. To present a written financial report to each officer or group meeting.
8. Must ensure that all disbursements of Club money are approved.
E. Auditor Duties
1. To audit all matter pertaining to the club’s funds.
2. To report a financial audit status to the board of directors and officers.
F. Admin Duties
1. To act in accordance with the set forth instructions/orders coming from the Club President, appointed OIC in the absence of the Club President.
Special committees may be created and their members shall be appointed by the President. These committees may be eliminated by the President. As with standing appointments, all special committees shall be subject to the general control and direction of the club officials.
Thus Committee Chairs is by nature depends on the discretion of the founding members.
G. Air Marshall Duties
1. To enforce club rules and procedures for club netting and frequency modulation.
I. OIC Duties
1. To act in accordance with the set forth function of the President, in accordance to this by laws.
Membership in the Group, its dues, and meetings are as follows:
There shall be Four (4) classes of membership: Full Member, Probationary Member, Honorary and Absentee Member. All members shall have the right to attend any meeting of the group, and to participate in any events sponsored by or involving the group.
Full Member – Regular member who are confirmed member, attends regularly all meetings and event rides.
Probationary Member – members who are still subject to observations of becoming into Full Member.
Honorary Member – members recognized especially for his contributions to the welfare of the group.
Absentee Member – members who are not in actively participating in all meetings and events.
Who can become a member of the club
1.1.1 Anyone who is a legitimate and licensed Amateur Radio Operator
Membership becomes effective upon compliance with the below criteria:
1.2.1 Comply with the set forth guidelines for becoming a regular member.
1.2.2 Probation period is for 6 months or attaining 100 points whichever comes first
Point system is as follow
GMM (General Membership Meeting) – 20 points
Net Call Participation – 5 points
Net Call Operator/Controller – 10 points
Hams Events – 20 points
Payment of dues amounting to C$35.00 per year.
1.3 Associate Membership
1.3.1 Any HAM who actively participates in the weekly Net Call year round and thus has express his intention to become a part of the group can be considered and accepted as an Associate Member.
All group members, no matter their standing, will obey these rules:
All members should obey and respect the officers and likewise to respect fellow members.
No members are allowed to say Vulgar nor make explicit and offensive words towards officers and members.
No member shall not fight each other with weapons; breaking above rule will cause possible loss of membership eligibility.
Drinking alcohol will not be permitted while on active frequency modulation.
Must adhere and follow the 3-4 seconds gap in frequency modulation, since the club is utilizing digital RVOIP such as Zello and the like to give way to any individuals to break/check in to the frequency.
All members must have a valid Amateur Radio Operator License and Registration. If for some reason, such as a license suspension a member can’t join the club net call and modulation.
All members must follow and adhere to the 12 points values.
All members are encouraged to attend as many GMM, functions and events as possible. In the event that the member can’t attend, a written notice shall be submitted a day before the said meeting or event to any of the officers.
All members must agree to accept the Club By-Laws.
No members are allowed to participate in any wrongful discussion particularly influencing members to rise or revolt against any officers. Absolutely no talking about Club internal matters to people outside the Club.
Any member may be expelled from the group for conduct unbecoming.
For a member to be expelled, Officers will convene Executive Session to discuss expulsion case, Majority Vote of the officers will determine the decision.
Officers will then present to the Group with the final decision and thus becomes executory in nature.
2.1 Membership dues are C$35.00 per year.
2.2 Any member who will leave or resign the group may not be able to get back all of his contributions.
2.3 Dues shall be designated by the Officers or as otherwise revised by its Officers.
3.1 There shall one GMM every month.
3.2 A special or emergency meeting can be called upon by the Club President.
3.3 Any member can be suspended from his membership of the group for failure and continuously not attending the GMM.
3.4 A member can be excuse from not attending the meeting by informing the Officers either by writing nor by SMS one day before the GMM stating a valid reason.
3.5 Only by extreme emergency case a member will be excuse or allowed from not attending the GMM the same day or date of advice the GMM will be held.
3.6 There shall be one net call every week, held every Thursday night from 8:00PM to 9:00PM
3.7 Continuous disregard for participation for GMM in a period of one-year shall result in revocation of membership.
Cash Disbursement
1 The rules governing purchases of anything or something for the club use or purpose
Any purchases or expenditures amounting from C$1.00 – C$500.00 – requires majority approval of the officers only.
Purchases that exceeds C$500.00 and up – requires majority approval of the officers and members.
Majority as defined 50%+1
BY-Laws Approved and Signed by the following Founding Members and Officers:
Mervin Dulce (VA6MD)
(Club President)